Ok, I’m still amazed at the value Google provides, AND how it makes lots of companies (their documentation) look silly.
Case in point: I was trying to figure out how to prevent Adobe from automatically opening pdfs after I create them. I started (of course) by going to Acrobat (Pro in this case) and looking around its menus.
You know, Preferences? Nothing.
Then I tried Google. I searched: “how to prevent Adobe acrobat from opening newly created pdfs”
The first result had my answer. It was Tek Tips. Never heard of it before–basically a poorly designed forum for tech Q & A.
But low and behold there was my answer. In less than a minute.
Note: Adobe wasn’t even on page one.
To be fair, I went back and used Adobe’s help files. I entered my search and hit enter. Nothing happened. Nothing. Fail.