I have Dictionary.com’s iPhone app, and I receive their Word of the Day. Today I actually looked at it and it was a gem:
Bandersnatch: An imaginary wild animal of fierce disposition.
There’s something about this words that seems so cool and useful that I’m definitely gonna use it. Ok, that makes me a little strange… My instinct, though, was to share it on Facebook–where my geeky linguaphile friends would surely drool over my discovery.
Alas, the only sharing on the Dictionary.com iPhone app was for the whole app!
Who wants to share a whole app!
People tend to share the smallest parts of our culture—song, photo, text, quote, link, video… Have you ever heard of an app going viral?
And so Dictionary.com could enable the sharing of words because that’s what people do. Marketing strategies might share apps, but people sure don’t.
It’s the meme that counts!