If everything is a metaphor then look no further than your kitchen for some good ones.
I was slicing some veggies the other night and noticed my slice was off. My cuts weren’t smooth. Pieces ended up being different sizes–I had no mojo. So I took a break and tuned my knife up with a few pulls through the sharpener. Nice. Now my job was easier. My work was higher quality. My job satisfaction got a bump too. I turned from amateur to a chef with mad skillz.
So here’s the metaphor: your kitchen is your life.
Do you keep your tools sharp so your work is rad–and not a struggle? In other words, to get to the ‘Pièce de résistance’ and not the ‘piece of s$%t’ you’ve got to get past the basics–and stay past the basics.
Folks, if you want to create works of beauty keep your tools in tip top shape–otherwise, you’ll end up cutting your finger tip off.
Michael Jordan never went out on the court without tying his shoes really well (I’d bet pro athletes are obsessive over that stuff)…